project365 – March 25, 2012 – Light my fire

Somehow a few of my recent topics are coincidentally related, without prior collaboration on my part. I recently came clean about my slightly feminine tea habits, and a few days later I got busy on my galaxy tab putting out fires. This also just so happens to be a tea fire, but no jelly blob dudes homes we’re threatened, and I didn’t put it out with a makeshift hand me down firetruck.

project365 – March 16, 2012 – Firing range

I’m not really much of a gun guy, but a good friend of mine recently became a gun guy, or I guess finally realized or remembered his gun guy youth and went on a weapon spending spree, so I went to the shooting range with him. I put the Nikon into rapid fire mode and shot away while he shot away. After nearly 350 photos I finally captured the shot you see above. This was taken with my Nikon D80 and 35mm lens at f/1.8 and iso 1600, no flash was allowed.